Monday, April 18, 2011

Dear Denver Post: No More Horoscopes

Dear Mr.Fisch
                I read your article “Dear Denver Post: No More Horoscopes” and I disagree, although I do not personally believe in Horoscopes I still feel that the Denver Post should not change it. I think they should keep it in the Denver Post for three reasons, first one fourth of the population is a decent portion of the population, more people probably read Horoscopes then just that one fourth, and the Denver Post is built to make money. One fourth is a minority but that doesn’t mean that is not a lot of people. America’s population is three hundred million give or take one fourth of that is 75,000,000 people, what I am trying to say is that one fourth is not a small portion when we talk about people. Another reason is that even though one fourth of people believe horoscopes don’t mean one fourth of people read horoscopes. So there might be a larger amount of people who enjoy the horoscopes. The Denver Post goal is to make money not to educate; we live in America that’s just the name of the game. And the fact is that horoscopes have been around for a long time so they must be popular and making money or newspapers would not include them. Maybe one day somebody will open up the news paper to read the horoscopes and something about a breakthrough in wind energy will catch their eye. That is just another aspect to consider.
                                                                Jon D

Oh and right after I read your article I read my first horoscope kinda ironic “ others make demands, and you need to make a statement about what you think….”           

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