Monday, December 6, 2010

PLN 19

In George Wills "Lost in Electronics"  I think the author is overreacting and what he believes is because his generation was told some of the things that we do hinder learning. Take music for example, when he probably grew up he was told that it was bad to listen to music while he worked but studies show that as long as it doesn’t distract you then music helps. This probably takes I-Pods out of play because music is obviously not a problem if it can improve learning. Now video games I feel are very underestimated and criticized when some are productive. Most video games I know in some shape or form make me think or solve problems. Not all video games are bad. There are strategy games and even the shoot um up games like the Call of Duty series have a story. For example Call of Duty Black Ops is quite a complicated story line and yes we listen to it instead of read it so it does not improve our reading skill but what else is lost? I honestly think that the difference between these story lines and a book is one you interact with and the other you read. So why does the book make you think more, what does it do? Now for phones it is a form of quick communication but in the end it does have negative affects. Every generation is different and I can’t see this as big as a problem as he suggests. I do agree with him that we should just try to make them better for the brain. Education needs to realize that we do get bored and work around it to try to wake us up. The world needs to be a little nicer to teenage boys because it is actually kind of prejudice of how we are treated as inferiors why does age make you so much better than me? So I need to realize that there is more to life then electronics.   

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